After a long day of playing with Beta its time to bring him to a ball busting party! After his experience today with the ball thong and shock collar he needs to be to watch the girls pulverize balls so he knows what is in his future. Their first ball busting victim is fairly new and needs to be conditioned to take harder and harder kicks. He is so lucky because he has 5 different girls to kick him. It must be really degrading for him to have to hold his dick up and say thank you as they take turns kicking him.With every kick he feels the pain through his whole body as he tries not to fall. He surprisingly did well. That just means the girls are going to have to kick harder next time. Next time they kick his balls, they will definitely leave him on the ground crying. Ok, they are ready for the next slave! The party has only begun!!!!!
Format: mp4
Video: 3840×2160